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Reiki is an ancient healing system that has been practiced in Egypt, India, and Tibet and was reintroduced in Japan in the mid-1800s. Reiki balances life force energy known as “ki” bringing one into harmony and balance. Each individual’s experience during a session is different depending upon their needs at the time of the appointment. Reiki is a path to deep inner peace and empowerment. It allows relaxation, a sense of peace and harmony which all contribute to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being and health. It is an excellent complement and source of support to any endeavor we may be pursuing. It can be used in conjunction with other healing modalities. It takes into account the whole person and helps activate an individual’s natural healing process in whatever area it is needed. Reiki can be used to manage stress and anxiety, reduce pain, help one to sleep better, think more clearly as well; support any needed healing in your body, mind or spirit.
30min – $50
Power animals, embodied as spirit guides in various animal forms, act as invaluable allies in navigating life’s complexities. Whether encountered in meditations, visions, dreams, or physically on Earth, these perceptive and trustworthy oracles provide guidance and wisdom on a range of questions. As these spirit guides enter and exit our lives, they serve distinct purposes, offering their unique spiritual power precisely when needed.
30min – $50
Soul retrieval is a spiritual practice rooted in the belief that traumatic experiences can lead to a person’s soul becoming “lost” or fragmented. This disconnection often arises from significant trauma, causing individuals to feel detached or separated from their own essence. In the process of soul retrieval, the healer does a journey to retrieve and reintegrate the lost soul. The healer navigates the unseen realms of spirit, locates the fragmented soul, and addresses the underlying causes of its detachment. Indications of a lost soul may manifest as symptoms such as depression, low energy, and the adoption of unhealthy coping mechanisms.
15min – $25
30min – $50
45min – $75
60min – $100
Tarot is a centuries-old divination tool. By utilizing the Tarot, one may gain greater insight & understanding into the past, present, or future. The aim of a Tarot reading is to explore a question about the self & the best path or advice moving forward. Tarot helps with mind, body, and soul clarity, providing answers and deeper details. With a skilled, intuitive practitioner, clients will gain greater clarity & peace of mind with the cards when difficulties arise or if confirmation is needed.
The practice of discerning and discovering the hidden meaning or cause of events through a mystical or divine means is known as divination. Divination has been used and sought after for hundreds of years by people all around the world. Oracle card readings are based on the understanding that things are not as they appear to be on the surface. Through the use of the cards, along with support from their spiritual allies the reader connects with the invisible world of Spirit through symbols. Shamans, for example, know that all things have two aspects; that of essence and that of matter. By tapping into both of these aspects the reader begins to see the hidden meanings of everyday life events.
30min – $50
45min – $75
60min – $100
A psychic medium is one who uses extrasensory perception to bridge communication between the living and those who have passed on from this world. A mediumship reading can be incredibly helpful and comforting to those longing to connect to loved ones on the other side.